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Pattern Drafting Skirt, Shirt, & Dress (503FC88)

Objectif :
This course introduces students to the basics of sewing from a technical point of view.
During this course, student will learn how to use sewing machines.
Students will also execute all the basic stitches used in the apparel industry. (Open seam, close seam, different types of pleats) This Course develops an understanding of basic patterns and how to manipulate them respecting the fundamental rules of pattern making.
By understanding pattern construction students will be able to gain a wider understanding of the use of the pattern while developing basic concepts.
Darts manipulation, (princes cut), flat construction, execution of the different type of skirts, shirts, and dresses.

Contenu :
This course introduces students to the basics of sewing from a technical point of view.
During this course, student will learn how to use sewing machines.
Students will also execute all the basic stitches used in the apparel industry. (Open seam, close seam, different types of pleats) This Course develops an understanding of basic patterns and how to manipulate them respecting the fundamental rules of pattern making.
By understanding pattern construction students will be able to gain a wider understanding of the use of the pattern while developing basic concepts.
Darts manipulation, (princes cut), flat construction, execution of the different type of skirts, shirts, and dresses.

Langue(s) d'enseignement :

Récurrence :

Forme :

Lieu :
Campus des sciences sociales

Nombre d'heures :
88.00 heures

Droit d'inscription :
20,000,000 LL payables à la banque Audi ou au secrétariat de l'institution

Personne à contacter :

SAAD Mohammad ()

Cible :

Planification :

Date de début:
Date de fin: