Naissance de l'USJ Academy

Été 2020

Quoi de plus beau que de voir de jeunes athlètes grandir et se former au sein du campus de l’Université saint-Joseph (USJ). De futurs étudiants potentiels ? Nous l’espérons ! L’USJ Sport a décidé donc de créer une académie ou pourront se former de futurs champions, USJ Academy. Le nombre de joueurs s’est rapidement multiplié suite à l’offre qu’a fait l’USJ Sport aux employés USJ, Hôtel-Dieu de France (HDF) et les anciens de l'USJ..

Reina Bazazo Membre de la selection de Basketball femmes de l’USJ

I am Reina Bazazo, I study occupational therapy and I play basketball in the university league and in the first division. Being a student is not an easy thing to do with all the pressure and stress… so I found a way to have some fun during my year. I will be lying if I say it is only fun, in fact stress was controlling the basketball part too because we wanted to achieve something. But this kind of pressure did motivate us and added some flavour to the team. 1st division was hard for us since we had not much time to prepare but after all we managed to give our best even against the toughest teams. It was a good experience, learned a lot and gained a family.

Wassim Selwan
Administrateur du Campus de l’Innovation et du Sport de l’USJ

Je trouve que l’idée de l’académie sportive est excellente! Mon fils fait partie de l’équipe de Basketball. Il profite beaucoup au niveau de la technique, l’endurance, la discipline et bien sur l’appartenance à la grande famille de l’USJ. Bravo aux entraineurs et aux encadreurs pour tout le travail qui se fait. Dans l’espoir de nous retrouver prochainement, je vous souhaite bon courage.

Georges Haffar
Job étudiant

USJ Sport USJ Club 1875 Basketball Academy was launched in October 2019. The Academy started with only 12 players from all age categories, to reach 28 players in less than 2 months with $0 marketing expenses! The academy’s staff and manager are USJ students and members of the USJ Basketball team. All our coaches are current basketball players of high caliber with D1 experience. Current USJ students, Alumni, and Employees can benefit from discounts made to their children. Despite all the hardships that the country is facing now, we managed to be one of the fastest growing Basketball Academies in Lebanon. Our goal is to become one of the leading Basketball academies in Lebanon.

Mayssa Jbeily
Employé USJ - Parent de membres de l’USJ Académie

I have enrolled my kids in the USJ basketball sports academy this winter. Both of my kids were new at this sport. The staff was very welcoming, supportive and helpful. The court is very well equipped and the coaches are well trained and very hard working. They pay attention to each child and work on developing their abilities. I could see the improvement in my kids after each session. We are looking forward to be back to USJ SPORTS ACADEMY.