Mother society

Christopher EL HADI
Jeudi 22 avril 2021

Once upon a time, in a small village in the middle of nowhere, lived three friend workers. The first was a farmer, the second a singer and cook, and the third a craftsman and naturalist. The farmer works tirelessly, plowing and seeding his land at precise seasons, then watering and weeding the sprouts until harvest. Some crops will then be sunned to feed the cows, sheep and chicken which should be checked on regularly for milk, egg and wool, and occasionally for breeding. The cook then takes the farmer’s goods and preserves them for year-long savory cheese, jerky or jam and compote. Him feeding the others is approached with great enthusiasm, as his food reunites them all for morning chats and evening discussions to ease their daily hassles, and evening laughs and songs that brighten their moods for the next day. As for the craftsman, his passion is to alleviate his companions’ bodily aches. He also checks up occasionally on the farmer’s animals when sick and giving birth. The craftsman also provides the cook and farmer with hand-crafted utensils and machinery, and helps with everything regarding household cleanliness and insulation. The three seem to live at ease, infrequently entering into quarrels or enduring sickness.

Our story ends after the farmer gets brutally kicked by his cow in his left rib cage, rupturing his ascending aorta and resulting in his sudden death. Both his friends were obliged to take over his work to continue their lives. Days became long, insipid and exhausting, until the cook passed away from lung infection, as he was away preparing the table for the craftsman. The latter hanged himself the next day in the barn, no cow alive to witness.

This story rigorously illustrates society at its best. Humans, unlike animals, cannot live simple lives due to their ‘physiological addiction’ that continuously pushes them towards seeking easier lives. Dividing labor between individuals seemed to foster our minds and enabled us to feed and care for ourselves without suffering the immense workload one had to bear if he had to live on his own (i.e high work per person). For that, offering help evolved and became a neurological human urge, now known as ‘empathy’. Receiving help in return is also crucial, in order to guarantee equilibrium of workloads (i.e equally low work per person). That’s why pleasing one’s society, which is indirectly guaranteeing important comfort, is accompanied by a pleasurable sensation we now know as ‘pride’.

Mother Nature, with its laws and orders, firstly devised simple species capable of passable survival. It then worked for a couple billion years, honing its organisms to better adapt, until it reached the state-of-the-art, Humans. Likewise, society, with its brainy people, started with simple hunters and gatherers able of modest survival. Our addictive minds led us to tinker every aspect of our survival reaching, within one-millionth of the time taken by nature, to discover and meme nearly every technic nature used to create evolved animate structures (viz. mathematics and physics towards genetic engineering), until we reached a stable nadir of work per person after the industrial revolution. Mother Society, a description we merit, hence left us with extremely easy lives and with nearly nothing authentic anymore to fuel our brain motor. This, in the end, seemingly opened the era’s Pandora’s box releasing: depression.