World Physiotherapy Accreditation for the Institute of Physiotherapy

July 2021

The Institute of Physiotherapy (IPHY) at Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) has received unconditional accreditation from the World Physiotherapy organization, a worldwide network of physiotherapy schools committed to furthering the physiotherapy profession and improving global health through encouraging high standards of physiotherapy research, education and practice, supporting the exchange of information between our regions and member organizations, and collaborating with national and international organizations.

To become accredited, IPHY conducted a self-evaluation to review and improve its programs in line with World Physiotherapy standards. Administrative, logistical and material aspects were taken into consideration, as well as research, clinical and theoretical teaching, internships, and different areas of action: primary, prevention, musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, pulmonary, etc.

The first step of self-evaluation was completed by submitting reports to World Physiotherapy. During the second stage, World Physiotherapy sent back a form to be complemented with evidence on IPHY running. The third stage consists of dispatching a team of professionals for a four-day inspection to verify reports and evidence, by meeting with students, staff, teachers, alumni, the Rectorate and professional organizations associated with IPHY.

This accreditation acknowledges that IPHY is in line with international standards, in terms of the quality of its teaching and its operation at multiple levels.

À lire : L’Institut de physiothérapie accrédité par l’organisation World Physiotherapy