The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo: A Story Like No Other…

Ursula Matta
Lundi 21 février 2022

A simple line that will get you hooked: “Make them pay you what they would pay a white man.” 

This book has been on my “To Be Read” list since 2019, but I finally bought the book and dove right in. And I have to admit it, I wish I had read this book a while back!  

What to expect: 

Well, the title kind of gives it away. It’s the story of Evelyn Hugo, a famous Hollywood star, and her 7 husbands. But each and every one of the 7 stories is different and complicated in its own way. 

In the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, the Hollywood starlet, now 79 years old, decides to finally share her true story to the world, years later – The seven husbands, the reality of the glamourous life in Hollywood and her own true self. She asks Monique Grant, a struggling writer, to write her biography. However, as Evelyn Hugo as it can be, asking Monique to write it is in no way innocent.

This book tackles all the taboo topics of the ‘50s: Love, fame, divorce, sexuality, motherhood, feminism, etc. 

As you hear the truth, you’ll understand that Evelyn Hugo is not the person who people thought she was, nor the person you thought she was.  

What I think: 

Taylor Jenkins Reid is a brilliant and creative writer. Delivering a book full of topics that are still problematic today – the 21st century – throughout the 7 husbands and the story behind each of them.  

This book is definitely a must-read. 

If Evelyn Hugo doesn’t teach you how to be confident in your own body and how to work for what you want in life… then, you got it all wrong. 

I love how this book turned out to be an homage to all the people she loved. This shows how women would do anything for the people they love, especially their significant other and their kids. 


Amazing, shocking, astonishing, exciting, thrilling, mind-blowing, remarkable, and unbelievable would all be understatements. I was completely in awe of this book, which has become my favorite book at the moment.   

“A star is a star is a star…” 
And Evelyn Hugo was unquestionably one. 

Stay tuned for next month’s book review, and let me know what book you would like me to read and review next!