"The 'D' strategy to overcome the Lebanese crisis” - Grand Lycée Franco-Libanais

7 Mars 2022

As part of its schools’ activities, the Faculty of Business and Management (FGM) had the great pleasure and honor to offer, a conference on management entitled “the “D” strategy to overcome the Lebanese crisis” by the faculty’s Dean, Pr. Fouad Zmokhol to the Grand Lycée Franco-Libanais Students.

For more than one hour, students from Grades 11 and 12 had the chance to discuss, exchange, and brainstorm with the Dean on several ideas and different perspectives that had enlightened them on how to become more proactive in facing the atypical crisis we are going throw nowadays digging for hidden opportunities throughout fundamental concepts such as Diversification, Development, Decision-making, Delegation, etc.

We thank the Grand Lycée Franco-Libanais for hosting this event, especially Ms. Jackie Varin, College Guidance Counselor, and our colleague Dr. Mary Ann B. El Rassi – Bachelor in Business Administration English program coordinator at the FGM.