Participation active du Doyen Pr. Fouad Zmokhol à la conférence “أموال المودعين في المصارف بين الاقتصاد والقانون Beirut Arab University

16 novembre 2022

It was a pleasure and honor for the Faculty of Business and Management’s Dean, Pr. Fouad Zmokhol to participate as a panelist at the Beirut Arab University conference entitled “أموال المودعين في المصارف بين الاقتصاد والقانون”. This conference was an exceptional opportunity to share thoughts and ideas on the current economic and financial crisis, aiming to discuss strategies to cope with the deposit crisis and identify ways to hopefully overcome it.

Many thanks to the BAU and specially to Mrs. Zeina Ariss for organizing this conference and looking forward to further collaborations, aiming for a brighter future to our youth, economy, and country.