Participation active du Doyen Pr. Fouad Zmokhol à la table ronde "Cultivating Entrepreneurship in Higher Education"à l'USEK

15 novembre 2022

It was a pleasure and honor for the Dean, Pr. Fouad Zmokhol to actively participate in the roundtable organized by USEK Business School, entitled “Cultivating Entrepreneurship in Higher Education”, along with Deans of the Business Schools from AUB, LAU, ESA, and USEK.

This event with educators and incubator directors from across Lebanon aimed to give insight into how business schools and innovation centers are helping to foster an entrepreneurial mindset among students.

It was a wonderful opportunity to be part of the ongoing discussion on the development of education and share our view for shaping future leaders, thinkers, entrepreneurs, and creators in Lebanon.

Many thanks to Dr. Danielle Fraiha and Dr. Madonna Ayanian from USEK Business School for organizing this insightful and enriching event and we look forward to a continuous synergy and corporation to further participate in developing an entrepreneurial mindset among our students.