Conférence organisée par la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Canada-Liban à Montréal

15 février 2023

The Dean of the Faculty of Management and Management had the great pleasure of being invited by the Canada-Lebanon Chamber of Commerce and Industry to deliver a lecture in Montreal titled “The Lebanese Economy: What Options in Times of Global Economy Restructuring” at presence of more than 100 participants and business leaders of Lebanese origin, residing in Canada. A frank, transparent and productive discussion took place on the new economic world in the midst of restructuring, the Lebanese economic crisis and the opportunities buried through the crises.

Thank you CCICL President Ms. Liliane Nazar and all the board members for organizing this exceptional conference and very enriching exchange.

We strongly believe in synergy with our expats to build a new economy on a strong foundation. Feel free to join our management faculty to be part of this great adventure