Erasmus+ staff mobility (UMinho, Portugal)


The University of Minho in Portugal has obtained funding for staff mobility and we are very happy to inform you that the first call for submission of applications is open. The call will be open until the 31st October. All relevant information is available in the following site

We kindly ask you to read carefully all the information.

All applications must be submitted online until the 31st October, using the application form provided on the link

After the call is closed, the following selection procedure will be implemented:

  1. UMinho receives the application and checks the documents in order to send the applications to the home institution.
  2. Validation by the home institution, concerning fulfilment of eligibility criteria.
  3. Assessment by the home institution and by the host university, concerning the relevant areas of teaching/training. Candidates are nominated by the Home Institution as a result of the internal selection and accepted by the Host partner after internal validation channels are followed.
  4. Final selection of candidates by UMinho.
  5. Notification of the decision.
  6. Grant Agreement.
  7. Settling of the final mobility dates.

The University of Minho will be responsible for receiving and validating all applications submitted within the above mentioned deadline. For partner institutions applications, it will be up to each foreign HEI to validate and assess its candidates. Afterwards, all applications with a positive assessment will be forwarded for the analysis of potential host Schools/Institutes/Services of UMinho, which may give a positive or negative evaluation to the application. In the case of UMinho, the candidates will initially be screened by the SRI in terms of eligibility, and subsequently submitted for evaluation of UOEI Presidents . All applications that receive a positive evaluation from UMinho will be forwarded for validation of their hosting HEIs.

The final selection of all candidates will be made by UMinho, where a jury, composed by 3 members will meet and decide the final award of the grants, taking into account criteria such as: relevance of the work plan, balanced distribution of scholarships between Partner universities, gender balance, among others. The results will be communicated via email and will be published in the following site

Please note that this call is only open for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

Contact the international relations office of USJ for any further info on or call 961 1 421 000 ext. 1275 - 1158