Changing Writing Classes from Frustrating to Exciting

The workshop entitled “Changing Writing Classes from Frustrating to Exciting” took place at CLV.
16 février 2019
Campus des sciences humaines

The workshop entitled “Changing Writing Classes from Frustrating to Exciting” took place at CLV/FdLT on February 16th, 2019. It was given by Mariebelle Harb, instructor at the CLV English Section, and was attended by fourteen EFL teachers from different schools across Lebanon. Teachers shared their experiences in teaching English to the different age groups in their classrooms, as well as they discussed the problems that their students face when it comes to writing. The interactive workshop focused on how to make writing classes more enjoyable for students and also for teachers, by discussing ways that teachers can adopt in order to encourage writing and to remove the fear that students have of writing. All of this was done through hands-on activities and group work, and with an emphasis on the importance of the stages of writing.