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Syro-Arabica - No 1
Cultures in Contact. Transfer of Knowledge in the Mediterranean Context

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Ouvrage publié en : 2013

Langue : espagnol, anglais, français, allemand

Éditeur : Editions de l'USJ/UCOPress-CNERU-CEDRAC

This volume collects some of the papers presented at the Third International Congress on Eastern Christianity, ‘Knowledge Transfer in the Mediterranean World’, which took place in Córdoba in December 2010. The aim of the conference was to provide an insight into the contact of cultures in the Mediterranean, from Antiquity to the Medieval period, especially in periods when and places where one of the agents of this contact was Christianity. The participating scholars work in various disciplines, periods, and geographical areas, and their encounter generated very fruitful discussions, even if (or perhaps because) their fields of studies were sometimes distant from each other.
The volume is divided into two sections. The first part deals with religious and cultural transfer from Antiquity and Late Antiquity in Egypt under the Greco-Roman and Coptic periods. The second section includes those papers related to several cultural trends all along the medieval Arab world and Ethiopia. The climate of exchange and dialogue that we enjoyed those winter days in Córdoba, is what we would like to be reflected in this book, a collection of essays which range from Ancient Egypt to medieval Al-Andalus.

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281 pages

670 (grammes)

Isbn : 978-84-616-3115-5
Distribution : Editions de l'USJ-CEDRAC & UCOPress-CNERU

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