Business plan

The Business Plan is a fundamental course that allows students to acquire all the key steps and techniques necessary to develop a Business Project either to start a new business, or to launch a new project in the future in an existing company, or simply to develop an existing project. It consists of a written description of a business creation project. Establishing it is a primary goal for any manager since it combines several previously learned concepts such as corporate finance, marketing and management and consolidates them together into an action plan. The Business Plan is a must to give the project a maximum chance of success.

Temps présentiel : 35 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 70 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Projets de recherche, Travaux pratiques contrôlés

Référence :
• Stratégie pour la création d'entreprise, Robert Papin, Dunod. • Construire son business plan, Catherine Léger-Jarniou et Georges Kaloussis, , Dunod. • L’entreprise Sociale (aussi) a besoin d’un Business Plan, Thierry Sibieude et Marie Trellu-Kane, Rue de l’Echiquier. • Business plans that work: a guide for small business. Andrew Zacharakis, Stephen Spinelli, Jeffry A. Timmons. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2011. • New Venture Creation: Jeffry A. Timmons et Steven Spinelli, Irvin McGraw-Hill • Preparing effective business plans : an entrepreneurial approach. 2nd edition. Bruce R. Barringer. Pearson, [2015] • 50 etapes pour creer sa petite entreprise : Dussossoy Patrick GERESO 2016 • La methode Business Plan pour la gestion de vos projets : Monod Emmanuel Editions d’organisation 2003 • Le Business Plan Pratique et conception Moschetto Bruno-Laurent Economica 2001 • Concevoir un business plan efficace Stutely Richard Pearson 2012