Management of Corporate Communication

The Communication, Corporate Culture and Change course is addressed to students pursuing their Masters in Leadership and Human Resources Management. Through this course, it is expected that students will acquire competencies allowing them to understand and consider all aspects, methods and channels of corporate communication while aligning communication strategy to that of the organization. The course content enriches the pre-defined competencies of the Master in Human Resources Management: « 3. Intervenir en tant qu’expert indépendant, coach ou consultant, tant au niveau stratégique qu’au niveau opérationnel, dans les domaines des RH, du management de l’implication des hommes et des équipes dans une perspective de développement organisationnel » « 5. Contribuer au pilotage de projets complexes pour participer au management du changement des entreprises ou des organisations dans une perspective de développement et d’ingénierie organisationnels. » The main objectives of this course are the following: • Discover importance of aligning communication strategy to corporate strategy • Identify impact of communication on preservation and reinforcement of corporate image • Use communication to improve company’s stakeholders’ relations • Use communication to improve interpersonal communication and relation By the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. Analyze and diagnose communication strategy of an organization 2. Use corporate communication to reinforce, protect or restore company image 3. Develop a communication plan 4. Master corporate communication tools for internal and external stakeholders

Temps présentiel : 17.5 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 75 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Etude de cas, Examen écrit, Examen final, Participation et assiduité, Prestation orale

Référence :
Books o MULLINS, Laurie, CHRISTY, Gill (2010). “Management & Organizational Behaviour”, Financial Times Prentice Hall. o THILL, John, BOWEE, Courtland, (2017). “Excellence in Business Communication”, Pearson Education. o Mc LEAN, Scott (2012). “Business Communication for Success”. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing through the eLearning Support Initiative. o ESTPHALEN, Marie-Hélène, LIBAERT, Thierry (2009). « Communicator » 5th edition, Paris, Dunod. Articles o Articles selected on Harvard Business Review website

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en leadership et gestion des ressources humaines