Body language and public speaking

This teaching unit is part of the bachelor’s degree in Speech and Language Therapy. It is a 2-credit closed elective TU (semester 2). It allows the students to understand body language, also known as non-verbal communication, and to learn how to use it and read it. It also improves their oral communication skills, and it introduces them to the rules of public speaking. The content includes a mix of theoretical and practical sessions.

Temps présentiel : 15 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 50 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Projets

Référence :
• Navarro, J. (2018). The dictionary of body language. Harper Collins Publishers. • Learning Express (2010). Public speaking success in 20 minutes a day. Learning Express: New York. • Fraleigh, D. & Tuman, J. (2017). Speak up! An illustrated guide to public speaking. Bedford/St. martin’s: New York.