Political and Social Communication

This course provides a detailed overview of the role of political communication in informing, influencing, and legitimizing decisions to both domestic and international politics. By analyzing the relationship between political actors, communication channels, and the public, students will gain an understanding of the ways in which dominant ideologies shape communication strategies. Also, students will evaluate the effects of political communication campaigns on people’s attitudes, opinions and systems of beliefs. By analyzing the actors, technologies, and forms of communication (that together constitute public debate), this course focuses closely on the processes of political communication. With an eye to how the state, press, political parties, civil society organizations, social movements, campaigns, and the public interact to shape public life and produce political culture. In other words, it considers the social and technological contexts that form the production, distribution, and reception of political communication. At the same time, the course situates political communication broadly to encompass the vast range of symbolic political expression, from political advertisements to protest events.

Temps présentiel : 23 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 100 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Exposé oral

Référence :
- Gastil, J.W. (2008). Political communication and deliberative democracy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. - Lilleker, D. (2006). Key concepts in political communication. London, England: Sage. - McNair, B. (2011). An introduction to political communication (5th edition). London, England:Routledge - Perloff Richard, 2018, The Dynamics of Political Communication: Media and Politics in a Digital Age, 2nd edition, Taylor and Francis

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Licence en lettres françaises
Licence en lettres françaises
Master en sociologie et anthropologie
Master en sociologie et anthropologie
Licence en sociologie : sociologie de l'entreprise et relations publiques
Licence en sociologie : sociologie de l'entreprise et relations publiques