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Projets de Recherche

The influence of chin prominence and lips sagittal position on facial profile esthetics.

Description :

In order to assess the relationship between the chin and the lips on profile, reference digital photographs will be taken of the facial profile of an adult female model in the Lebanese population. Adequate facial profile esthetics will be needed for the model to be included in the study. The photographs will then be digitized, and a Photoshop Expert will create a series of different profiles by modifying the AP position of the chin and the lips, according to one another. A search of the literature will be done to eliminate the positions of each element that are judged to be unattractive, thus narrowing down the modifications to the attractive range. A survey will be created and distributed to laypeople, dentists, and orthodontists with a Visual Analogue Scale for them to rate the attractiveness of each profile (qualitative assessment). Data will be collected and analyzed using the latest version of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences developed by IBM) and results will be given. Distance and angle measurements will be calculated (quantitative assessment) on the profiles judged as most appealing.

Titulaire :
KMEID Roland

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Projet présenté au CR, le : 01/07/2022

Projet achevé auprès du CR : 01/07/2023