Stratégies de traduction anglais - arabe

This course is designed to empower students with the indispensable skills needed for translating texts from English into Arabic. Acknowledging the nuanced aspects of interlinguistic and intercultural communication, the course serves as a transformative learning experience, guiding students towards becoming proficient translators. It equips them with the ability to apply translation strategies and procedures effectively, ensuring a nuanced and culturally sensitive rendition of English content into Arabic. Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical exercises, students develop a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in translation, allowing them to navigate linguistic challenges with precision. The curriculum not only emphasizes the technical aspects of translation but also fosters an appreciation for the cultural nuances embedded in language, encouraging students to go beyond literal translation to capture the essence and context of the original text.

Temps présentiel : 15 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 50 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Examen partiel

Référence :
- CERTTAL, Base de données de la terminologie de l’enseignement de la traduction et de la traductologie, Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, https://etib-certtal-terminologie.usj.edu.lb/ - Delisle, J., Fiola, M. A., Bastin, G. L., Farid, G., Francœur, A., Guilloton, N., Guyon, A., Le Blanc, C., & Marshman, E. (2013). La traduction raisonnée, 3e édition: Manuel d’initiation à la traduction professionnelle de l’anglais vers le français (NED-New edition, 3). University of Ottawa Press. - REISS, K. (2009). Problématiques de la traduction. Paris : Economica

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Licence en traduction