010CHSTL1 | Artistic histories and History of cinema |
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This course is divided to three segments the 1st segment’s objective is to make the student travel in time through the history of art introducing him/her to different artistic movements. In the 2nd segment the student is given Knowledge of the history of Western theater. The 3rd segment Traces the beginnings of cinema until the end of Silent era, highlighting the major waves, the filmmakers of this period and their outstanding work; which illustrates the point and stimulate curiosity and research. Introduction to the main artistic movements and directors of speech. Screenings and comments of extracts from films representing the context of the time and that of their production. In parallel with the lectures, students are required to attend the weekly film club. note for the film club educational objectives: To better understand cinema and access a culture essential to any training personal by being exposed to the works of great directors. Temps présentiel : 45 heures Charge de travail étudiant : 75 heures Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Cours magistral Référence : |
Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants | |
Licence en arts du spectacle - option : audiovisuel |