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Management de l'art

This is the core-marketing management course for the USJ students in Arts. The aim of the course is to provide a rigorous and comprehensive introduction to the business of arts providing the contemporary marketing practice and principles. Contenu: Lecture on the definition of arts and entertainment. - A Brief historical overview of management and an arts manager job. - Defining the marketing process for the Arts. - Understanding the marketplace and customer needs. - Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy. - Customer Relationship management. - What is a mission statement? - Planning a Business portfolio-The BCG matrix. - Marketing Strategy and marketing Mix in the Arts. - Marketing Analysis, planning, implementation and Control Human Resources and the arts - Leadership and group dynamics. - Market Segmentation and Target Marketing. - Definition of competitive advantage. - Creating a financial business plan-feasibility study. - How to calculate Cashflows, EBIT (Earning before Interest and Taxes), benefits, etc. - Fundraising

Temps présentiel : 21 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 9 heures

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en critique d'art et curatoriat