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Mission of the program

The mission of the EDBA program, jointly organized by Paris Dauphine University – PSL and Saint Joseph University of Beirut, is to enable participants to conduct research and produce a scientific dissertation generally related to the participant's professional experience and interests.

Philosophy of the program

Students will develop applied research leading to the application of theoretical knowledge with an emphasis on relevance. The starting point of this research project lies in personal experience of the student outside the academic arena. It is complemented with theoretical knowledge and scientific methods to develop scientifically legitimate knowledge.
Students are expected to develop original research leading to a dissertation defense. After a successful defense of the dissertation, they will have a double degree from two prestigious universities: Paris Dauphine University – PSL and Saint Joseph University of Beirut

Target public

The EDBA program is a doctoral level degree intended for professionals (executives, high-level managers, consultants and experts) holding a master's degree with significant managerial experience.

Duration of the program

The duration of the studies is three years. The seminars will be delivered face-to-face over 48 days distributed over the first two years during extended weekends, on average one weekend per month (generally from Friday 2 p.m. to Sunday 5 p.m.). The third year is mainly devoted to writing the EDBA dissertation. Provisional agenda is given about 1 year in advance.

Diplomas issued

The partnership between Paris Dauphine University – PSL and Saint Joseph University of Beirut will result in the delivery of two diplomas, the EDBA diploma from the Paris Dauphine University, and the EDBA diploma from Saint Joseph University of Beirut.
- The EDBA diploma is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon.
- In France, holders of the EDBA can put the title of "Executive Doctor in Business Administration" formulated in English on their CV, on their business cards or on social networks.


All EDBA seminars will be delivered in English.
The EDBA Dissertation must be written either in English or French.


The courses will take place at the Faculty of Business and Management – Saint Joseph University of Beirut

Application Deadline


Beginning of the program

To be confirmed

Application Form

Download the application

Program Directors

Dr. Lionel Garreau - Paris Dauphine University - PSL
Dr. Walid Abou Khalil - Saint Joseph University of Beirut

Administrative assistants

Saint Joseph University of Beirut
Ms. Nadine Baz
e-mail: nadine.baz@usj.edu.lb
Tel: 961-1-421418

Paris Dauphine University
Ms. Beatrice Pargny
e-mail: beatrice.pargny@dauphine.psl.eu


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