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Second représentant au Conseil de l'Université - FMD

Professeur associé - DCD, CES,DUP, DUI, MSC, DEA, PhD

Faculté de médecine dentaire (FMD)
Laboratoire de Recherche Cranio-Faciale (LRCF)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext joe.bassil@usj.edu.lb

Dr Bassil graduated from Saint Joseph University, Beirut, in 1991 with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree (D.D.S.). He received his Oral Surgery specialty in 1995 from University Paris VII, Oral Pathology in 1997 from University Paris VI and his University Diploma in Implant surgery in 2017 from St Joseph University. He holds a Master in Medical and Biological Sciences and a Research Master in Oral Biology both from Saint Joseph University.

Dr Bassil works in private practice since 1996, at the Lebanese Army Hospital since 2000, and at the Department of Oral surgery, Saint Joseph University since 1996 where he is currently Assistant Professor, Senior lecturer and head of department.

Since 2005 he has been working on bone regeneration and bone grafting in combination with implants and his research focuses on bone substitute. He received his PhD in 2011.

He has published in several highly indexed journals and has lectured in   many countries around the world. Dr Bassil is an ITI Fellow and member of other professional organization.

• Diplome universitaire d'implantologie orale
• Doctorat en biologie et materiaux du milieu buccal- option chirurgie orale
• Diplome d'etudes approfondies en biologie et matériaux du milieu buccal.
• Maitrise en sciences biologiques et médicales
• Diplome d' Université de Pathologie de la Muqueuse buccale
• Certicficat d'etudes superieures d' Odontologie Chirurgicale
• Certificat d'etudes superieures d' Anatomo-Physiologie
• Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire

Anesthésie locale et exodontie (1er cycle)

Chirurgie orale (2 ème cycle..

Implantologie (2 ème cycle).

TP chirurgie machoire de porc (2 ème cycle).

Presentation de cas (2 ème cycle).

Clinique chirurgie orale 1-2(2 ème cycle).

Implantologie I (DUI).

TP chirurgie implantaire & prothèse implantaire (DUI).

Implantologie II (DUI).

Pathologies infectieuses, inflammatoires et tumorales de la région cervico-faciale (Master P1).

Chirurgie orale mineure (Master P1).

Travaux pratiques sur fantome (chir)(Master P1).

Revue de litterature (Master P1).

Clinique chirurgie orale(Master P1).

Implantologie 1 (Master P2).

Revue de litterature(Master P2).

Chirurgie orale majeure 1 (Master P2).

Pathologie du massif facial et des maxillaires (Master P2).

Clinique chirurgie orale (Master P2).

Chirurgie orale Majeure 2  (Master P3).

Implantologie 2 (Master P3).

Projet de mémoire (Master P3).

Clinique Chirurgie orale  (Master P3).

Travail de synthese (Chir) (Master P4).

Techniques avancées en chirurgie orale et implantaire (Master P4).

Clinique Chirurgie orale 4  (Master P4).

Chirurgie Orale majeure 3  (Master P5).

Implantologie 3 et prothèse implantaire  (Master P5).

Clinique chirurgie orale  (Master P5).

Mémoire  (Master P6).

Travail de synthèse  (Master P6).

Clinique chirurgie orale (Master P6).


Médecine et Santé

Greffe osseuse intra-orale.

Implant dentaire.
Chirugie orale.
Materiaux de substitution osseuse.
Surface implantaire.



Changotade S, Korb G, Bassil J, Barroukh B, Godeau G, Senni K. Potential effects of a low-molecular-weight fucoidan extracted from brown algae on bone biomaterial osteoconductive properties. J Biomed Mater Res 2008 Dec 1;87(3):666-75.


Bassil J, Debian M, Kassis C, Nassr M.Réhabilitation totale implantaire chez 2 frères atteints de « Dysplasie Odonto-Onycho-Dermique ». A.C.E.S  2009 ; 7 :40-46.


Bassil J, Senni K, Changotade S, Baroukh B, Kassis C, Naaman N, Godeau G. Expression of MMP2, 9 and 13 in newly formed bone after sinus augmentation using inorganic bovine bone in human. J Periodont Res 2011; 46: 756–762.


Bassil J, Naaman N, Lattouf R, Kassis C, Changotade S, Baroukh B, Senni K, Godeau G. Clinical, Histological, and Histomorphometrical Analysis of Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Using Inorganic Bovine in Humans: Preliminary Results, J Oral Implantol. 2013; 39(1):73-80.



Bassil J, Younes R, , Menhall A, Mrad S. Closure of Oroantral Communications with Bichat’s Buccal Fat Pad: A Case Series.

 International Journal of Research and Reports in Dentistry 2021

Article no.IJRRD.65187

Raed Lattouf , Ronald Younes, Didier Lutomski, Joseph Bassil, Nada Naaman, Gaston Godeau, Karim Senni. Connective tissue diseases highlight macromolecular network interdependences in skin extracellular matrix: a histomorphometric study. J Histotechnol 2022 Jun;45(2):66-76. doi: 10.1080/01478885.2021.2024980. Epub 2022 Feb 9.

Bassil JAbi Sleiman A, Mrad S, Noujeim Z. The Zygomatic Buttress as an Efficient Intraoral Donor Site for Limited Maxillary Reconstructions: A Case Series and Brief Literature Review. Case Reports in Dentistry 2021. Article ID 5539185


International Journal of Clinical Dentistry; Hauppauge Vol. 15, N° 1,  (2022): 185-196.

Stephanie Mrad, Abdallah Menhal, Christian Makary, Joseph Bassil. 

Arsenic Trioxide-Induced Mandibular Osteomyelitis Associated with Mycotic Infestation: A Case Report. J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2023 Mar;22(1):146-149. doi: 10.1007/s12663-021-01629-7. Epub 2021 Aug 25.

Ralph Zarazir, Stephanie Mrad, Georges Aoun, Alain Abi Sleiman, Marianne Mousallem, Joseph Bassil.

Comparison of Osseointegration in Novel Laser-Textured and SLA Implants. Acta inform Med 2023 Jun;31(2):137-140.

Georges Khoury, Stephanie Mrad, Joseph Bassil, Nabil Ghosn, Ronald Younes. New Concept of Horizontal Bone Augmentation Using Collagen Bovine Bone Blocks Without Membrane at Implant Placement: A Preliminary Study. J Maxillofac Oral Sur 2023 Dec;22(4):1099-1109.doi: 10.1007/s12663-023-01917-4. 

Ralph  doi: 10.5455/aim.2023.31.137-140.

Communications: over than 75, local and international, oral communications since 1995