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Arabic Copywriting for Marketing and Advertising (Paiement en L.L) (103FC23)

Objectif :
At the end of the training, participants will be able to :

1. Understand the key concepts of Copywriting
2. Identify and apply different techniques of Copywriting
3. Manage Copywriting for different audiences and platforms

Contenu :
• Introduction:
When copywriting is needed/used.
Content types/platforms.
What you need to know: ask
the right questions.
The agency test.
• Copywriting techniques/methods
(+free writing exercises):
- Tools: Style guide; visiting and revisiting; do’s and don’ts; readability; cultural relevance; concise and impactful; avoid canned expressions; the language is a tool and not your end objective.
- SEO technique/ Formulating strong CTAs/ Tone and Style/ Go from English source to
original Arabic/ How to present/sell your writing.
• Practical:
- Website/ Audiovisual: Online videos,
TV spot, Radio Spot/ Online ads/ Social campaign/ Bumpers/
- Packaging/ Billboards/ Print ads/ Brochures/ Flyers/ Welcome screen of a product/
- App listing/ Product marketing landing page/ Slogan for a product or brand/
- Press releases/ Speeches/ Presentation/Product pitch.

Langue(s) d'enseignement :

Récurrence :

Forme :
À distance

Lieu :
Campus des sciences humaines

Nombre d'heures :
9.00 heures

Droit d'inscription :
0 payables à la banque Audi ou au secrétariat de l'institution

Personne à contacter :

LAWANDOS Abla (Nicolas)

Cible :
Autres: Students and professional translators and interpreters

Planification :

Date de début:
Date de fin:
B:- E:- N:-

Date de début:
Date de fin:
B:- E:- N:-

Date de début:
Date de fin:
B:- E:- N:-