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Unit Planning and Assessment

The course introduces teacher to the tenants of Wiggin’s Understanding by Design (UbD) as a framework to help focus unit planning and teaching on the development and deepening of student understanding and transfer of learning. It is also designed to reinforce major valid and reliable classroom assessments which comprise both formative and summative assessment as well as traditional and authentic ones that measure students’ progress and achievement of learning outcomes. The teachers will also learn how to gather and make sense of classroom assessment data. The course aspires to introduce the traditional and progressive views of curriculum development across time. It sheds light on the various types of curricula in school setting and the major components needed to be when analyzed in light of judging the effectiveness and quality of a written curricula.

Temps présentiel : 35 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 60 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Exposé oral, Travaux pratiques contrôlés

Référence :
- Brown, H.D. , & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices (2nd edition). Pearson. - Miller, M.D., Linn, R.L., & Gronlund, N. (2013). Measurement and Assessment in Teaching. Pearson. - Wiggins, Grant and McTighe, Jay (2005). Understanding by Design (2nd edition). Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.