063IRARM3 | Initiation à la recherche - Conduite d'un projet de recherche = articles de recherche |
The objectives of this course is to familiarize participants with the foundational principles of research, including the scientific method, research ethics, and the importance of research in various fields. Another objective is to equip participants with the skills necessary to plan, organize, and manage a research project effectively. This includes defining research questions, setting objectives, and creating a timeline. Finally, the other objectives are first to teach participants how to conduct a comprehensive literature review to understand existing research in their field, identify gaps, and position their own research within the broader academic context, and then to guide participants in formulating clear and focused research questions and hypotheses, emphasizing the importance of creating research objectives that contribute to existing knowledge. Temps présentiel : 17.5 heures Charge de travail étudiant : 32.5 heures Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Projets Référence : |