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The Jesuit Way of Doing: Discipline-Oriented English course

Since their establishment in 1534, the Jesuits have been influencing countries and people, from the poorest to the richest among them, for bad or worse. They reformed a large religious institution from within, stood up against big powers, fought for the rights of marginalized people and ethnicities, and led daring ventures. None the least, they established 214 universities worldwide and an influential international network called Jesuit Refugee Service. How did they succeed in doing so? The Jesuits would answer, “because of our way of proceeding.” In this course, we shall analyze the strength of the Jesuit way of doing things through the lenses of cognitive psychology, educational research, leadership studies, and literature. By the end of the course, students will improve their linguistic competences as they engage with learning activities on the Jesuit tradition. They will learn about the history of Jesuits and their major achievements in the past and present. They will analyze the forces and ways that made these achievements successful. They will learn about Ignatian spiritual exercises, which can shape decision making. They will read major documents that shaped the Jesuit order. They will become familiar with English-language terminology pertaining to social work, spirituality, theology, philosophy, politics and Jesuit tradition. As for the linguistic competences, students will practice writing analytical reports, reading and listening to professional resources on non-profit and religious entities, and presenting socio-religious topics supported by evidence and theories. More details about linguistic learning goals pertaining to Level A english courses. Student will: • Demonstrate understanding of topics, main ideas, supporting points and opinions from authentic sources that represent different dialects and registers whether face-to-face discussions or from recorded video and audio including general interest, academic, and professional discussions, lectures, interviews, documentaries and debates. • Demonstrate understanding of lectures and discussions on academic and professional topics by summarizing and answering questions about the material from notes. • Participate constructively in the exchange of ideas in a variety of academic and professional settings such as group discussions, meetings, lectures, presentations, conferences. • Select, organize, analyze and synthesize information from different authentic sources to prepare an oral presentation and written products • Present ideas and information in an oral presentation to an audience • Interact with audience by encouraging questions and discussion and by responding to questions • Demonstrate understanding of topics, main ideas, supporting points, opinions, author’s purpose in authentic texts in a variety of general, academic and professional/discipline topics by • Determine and critically analyze the author’s opinion, implied meanings, tone, assumptions, and quality of evidence. • Make inferences and draw conclusions from several source readings on the same topic • Compose 2-page papers of summary, analytical and critique reports. • Use the conventions of academic and professional honesty to distinguish own ideas from information borrowed by quoting sources, paraphrasing accurately, using a standard system of citation and documentation (APA, MLA) • Edit and revise writing for content, organization, and correct use of mechanics Grammar and discourse markers to achieve coherence, clarity and style.

Temps présentiel : 17.5 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 50 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Analyse d'article, Contrôle Continu, Examen écrit, Examen oral, Exposé oral, Exposés de groupe