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Learning and development

-Through this course, students will understand a number of concepts such as management, strategy, training, evaluation and technology. they will learn also the framework to conduct a training need analysis (TNA) and how to design a training.

Temps présentiel : 18 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 22.3 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Exposés

Référence :
Books • P. Nick BLANCHARD, James W. THACKER. “Effective Training”, fifth edition. Pearson, 491 pages • SHRM - People (2017), 525 pages. • John TOWNSEND, Paul DONOVAN, “Training Needs Analysis”, 99 pages. Articles • Michael BEER, Magnus FINNSTROM, Derek SCHRADER, “Why Leadership training fails – and what to do about it”, Harvard Business Review, October 2016, pages 50 – 57. • Erika ANDERSEN, “Managing yourself – learning to learn”, Harvard Business Review, March 2016, pages 98 – 101. Websites • www.slideshare.net •

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en leadership et gestion des ressources humaines