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Eco-design for a Circular Economy int. (048FC15)

Objectif :
This module will introduce students to the basic principles and concepts of a circular economy and the role industry can play to support it. In the exercise part of the module, participants will work on a circular economy strategy for a product of their choice. It will cover all aspects, from design to production to distribution to consumption and recycling.
The module will enable students to better understand the most pressing environmental trends and issues which affect industry today and teach them about the functioning, relevance, effectiveness of circular economy instruments for successful implementation.

Contenu :
This module will introduce students to the basic principles and concepts of a circular economy and the role industry can play to support it. In the exercise part of the module, participants will work on a circular economy strategy for a product of their choice. It will cover all aspects, from design to production to distribution to consumption and recycling.
The module will enable students to better understand the most pressing environmental trends and issues which affect industry today and teach them about the functioning, relevance, effectiveness of circular economy instruments for successful implementation.

Langue(s) d'enseignement :

Récurrence :

Forme :
À distance

Lieu :
Campus des sciences et technologies

Nombre d'heures :
10.00 heures

Droit d'inscription :
0 payables à la banque Audi ou au secrétariat de l'institution

Personne à contacter :

KALLASSY AWAD Mireille (Iskandar)

Cible :

Planification :

Date de début:
Date de fin: