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Bachelor of law

Pour obtenir ce diplôme il faut d’abord avoir effectué un des parcours suivants

Credits and rates

Director of studies : Dean Professor Lena Ghannaje

Number of semesters: at least 8 semester s

Language(s) of instruction : Arabe

Admission: For more information on admission, visit the Admission to Cycle 1 section
Prerequisite High School Certificate
How to apply: 1- Print and fill the application form, to be found on USJ Dubai Website (www.usj.edu.lb/dubai) 2- Visit USJ - Dubai at Dubai International Academic City - Bloc 11 - Ground floor - Dubai, U.A.E., P.O.Box : 345008 Tel : + 971 4 4380 630 Fax : + 971 4 4380 629 to hand in all needed documents