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Projets de Recherche

Artistic Marketing in Lebanon: The Attractiveness and Entrepreneurship of Artistic Production

Description :

Two phases delineate the project. The first exploratory phase includes conducting between 35 and fifty interviews with artists, artistic producers, and relevant stakeholders to understand the landscape of artistic production and marketing in Lebanon. This phase will also define two or three artistic entrepreneurs in Lebanon to conduct the second phase. The second phase includes an action research with two or three artistic entrepreneurs, defined in the first phase, to develop their marketing ability, specifically towards attracting foreign customers and investors, and to produce and actionable and transferable knowledge base.

Titulaire :
HADDAD (EL) Pierre

Contact USJ :

Chercheur(s) :
M. Pierre HADDAD (EL)

Projet présenté au CR, le : 01/02/2020

Projet achevé auprès du CR : 31/01/2022