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In-class support (065FC53)

Objectif :
How can teachers detect, support, and guide students through learning difficulties?
How does the psychomotor therapist intervene in a class setting?
When to refer for a psychomotor assessment?

Contenu :
1- Introduction to Psychomotor Therapy
2- Psychomotor intervention in a class setting
3- Learning Difficulties: early signals and symptoms observed at every school level (Nursery to Grade 5), fields of intervention
4- In-class screening tools and recommendations
5- Referral for a psychomotor assessment

Langue(s) d'enseignement :

Récurrence :

Forme :

Lieu :
Campus de l'innovation et du sport

Nombre d'heures :
3.00 heures

Droit d'inscription :
0 payables à la banque Audi ou au secrétariat de l'institution

Personne à contacter :

Matar Mary ()

Cible :
Professionnel: First-Cycle Teachers: • Early Childhood Education / Preschool (ages 3–5) • Elementary Cycle (ages 6–10). Multidisciplinary team

Planification :

Date de début:
Date de fin:
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