En | Ar

CLO-3D (503FC93)

Objectif :
Through this exciting new course, students will be challenged to explore innovative 3D design concepts and reexamine the traditional boundaries of fashion. By drawing upon their existing knowledge base, they are in for a transformative learning experience!
• This course challenges students to evolve their fashion design education for the current day. Through 3D garment design and prototyping, it will equip them with improved efficiency and creativity that are essential in today's market.

Contenu :
Through this exciting new course, students will be challenged to explore innovative 3D design concepts and reexamine the traditional boundaries of fashion. By drawing upon their existing knowledge base, they are in for a transformative learning experience!
• This course challenges students to evolve their fashion design education for the current day. Through 3D garment design and prototyping, it will equip them with improved efficiency and creativity that are essential in today's market.

Langue(s) d'enseignement :

Récurrence :

Forme :

Lieu :
Campus des sciences sociales

Nombre d'heures :
37.50 heures

Droit d'inscription :
10,000,000 LL payables à la banque Audi ou au secrétariat de l'institution

Personne à contacter :

MASSOUD Nicole (Maroun)

Cible :
Tout public:

Planification :

Date de début:
Date de fin: