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Assessment of Communication and Language Disorders

This teaching unit is part of the bachelor’s degree in Speech and Language Therapy. It is a 2-credit mandatory TU (semester 4). It introduces students to the assessment of oral language and speech components (phonology, vocabulary, syntax, etc.). The course familiarizes them with the steps and types of assessment, data interpretation, and report writing. The prerequisites for this TU are Communication and oral language development, Clinical Approach 1 and 2, and Communication and language disorders: introduction.

Temps présentiel : 12.5 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 44 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Projets

Référence :
• Cummings, Louise (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Communication Disorders. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press • Hulme, C & Snowling, MJ (2009). Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition. Somerset: Wiley • Leonard, LB & Bishop, D (2000). Speech and Language Impairments in Children: Causes, Characteristics, Intervention and Outcome. Hove: Psychology • Owens, RE (2015). Language development: an introduction. (9th ed). London: Pearson • Sheridan M, Sharma, A & Cockerill, H (2008). From Birth to Five Years: Children’s Developmental Progress. (3rd ed). London: Routledge • Hobart, C & Frankel, J (2004). A Practical Guide to Child Observation and Assessment. (3rd ed). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes • Fawcett, M & Watson, D (2016). Learning through child observation. (3rd ed). London: J Kingsley • Pert, S & Stow, C (2019): Manual for Bilingual Assessment of Simple Sentences (BASS). www.rclst.org • Bishop, DVM, Snowling, MJ, Thompson, PA, Greenhalgh, T & the CATALISE‐2 consortium (2017). Phase 2 of CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology. Journal of Child Psychology Psychiatry, 58: 1068-1080 • Cirrin, FM & Gillam, RB (2008). Language Intervention Practices for School-Age Children With Spoken Language Disorders: A Systematic Review. Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools, 39 (1), 110-137 • Norbury, CF, Bishop, DVM & Tomblin, JB (2008). Understanding Developmental Language Disorders. Hove: Taylor & Francis

Les prérequis de ce cours sont les suivants
 Communication and oral language development
Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Bachelor in speech and language therapy