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Specialized communication and public information

This teaching unit is part of the bachelor’s degree in Speech and Language Therapy. It is a 2-credit mandatory TU (semester 8), This is a teaching unit that belongs to the general education program. It aims to develop the critical thinking of students when it comes to social media use in the SLT profession. This TU will help them understand policies and ethical considerations governing online conduct. They will also be able to identify appropriate and inappropriate posts on social media and to prepare social media posts with respect to the standards of the profession.

Temps présentiel : 12.5 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 44 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Projets

Référence :
McGary, M. (2010). The social media mix: how SLPs and audiologists are using social media in their professional lives. The ASHA Leader, 15(15), online-only. Merkel-Walsh, R., & Moore, J. D. (2018). Social Media: It’s Different for Professionals: What professional information should you share and seek online? Check out these pointers. The ASHA Leader, 23(7), 30-33. Meredith, G., Firmin, S., & McAllister, L. (2013). Digital possibilities and ethical considerations: speech-language pathologists and the web. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 15(1), 44-7. Issues in Ethics: Ethical Use of Social Media – ASHA Code of ethics (2016) Lignes directrices sur l’utilisation des médias sociaux – Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec