MAGIS student mobility scholarship

(CLOSED) Spend a semester with FREE accommodation at one of 4 Jesuit universities members of the MAGIS network

As a Jesuit Institution of higher education, USJ invites its bachelor degree students to participate in a unique multilateral program of student exchange that helps in building strong allies between students and that is particularly designed to promote Ignatian and Jesuit values.

Apply now and spend a semester at one of the following Jesuit universities (members of the MAGIS network) that are offering FREE accommodation:

  1. Creighton University, U.S
  2. Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Spain (in the Córdoba campus)
  3. Xavier University Bhubaneswar, India
  4. Universidad Javeriana, Colombia (in the Cali campus)

Application criteria and process:

  • First bachelor year students are not eligible to apply.
  • Candidates must have good academic records.
  • Student participants are expected to be involved in promoting Ignatian and Jesuit values.


How to apply?

  1. Check the host university's academic program and language of instruction on their website.
  2. Collect the info regarding the courses and choose your courses with the approval of your Director/Dean at USJ (contact him/her to discuss your mobility and courses compatibility etc.)
  3. Fill USJ’s outgoing mobility form
  4. Have it signed by your Director/Dean at USJ (the signature can be done electronically through email exchange)
  5. Send it to USJ’s international relations team: BEFORE April 9th 2021

For further info and other inquiries, please contact