Fear of Failure

Mercredi 14 avril 2021

Fear is part of our emotions. It is natural and useful for warning us of potential danger and for protecting us. But when it becomes irrational and unmanageable, it can become very crippling on a daily basis and prevent us from tackling even the slightest change, even if it is desired, from setting up a project, to simply taking action.

Fear is an emotion, and like all emotions, it is difficult to get rid of with rational arguments.

You can try to take a step back from your fear by being more factual. If I tell you: 100% of successful people have tried and most of those who have tried failed several times before they succeeded… Does that help you?

A serious past failure, a biased and degraded self-image or even a trauma, can all be at the origin of the fear of failure. The latter then leads to new troubles. Most of the time, fear is the expression of many neuroses that overlap in a complex way. They lead to severe anxiety and depression. It is imperative to learn to identify fear in order to act as soon as possible.

By developing awareness of our body and its manifestations, we can better understand the emotions we feel and act on their release.

Controlling your fear can therefore begin by controlling its physical manifestations with specific breathing exercises associated, for example, with contractions-relaxation of different areas of the body. You can also use positive visualization techniques to calm fear. Sophrology is a recognized method that can help you better understand your emotions and act on your tensions, whether physical, mental or emotional!

And as Mr. Mandela says so well, I even think I learned from my mistakes. And that I wouldn't be here today if I hadn't made them. I wouldn't have questioned myself, I wouldn't have changed my path. I wouldn't have had the strength to say who I am and what I really want in the same way. We always say that it's easier to know what you don't want than what you want. Mistakes and failures allow you to refine, see more clearly. To start fresh and in a better dynamic.

We call "failure" what is neither more nor less than the end of one path before taking another. The end of a cycle before the start of a new one.

And there is the moment when you balance, on a musical background of beat box, with a lot of ouaich, but gratitude for your failures!

The challenge is to work on the behavior as early as possible to prevent the fear of failure from taking hold and paralyzing the individual who suffers from it. In certain cases, a serious therapeutic follow-up is recommended in order to encourage the person to accomplish a process of personal development. The objective is then to regain confidence and self-esteem, to let go and expose yourself to the dreaded risk of failure. 

By adopting certain cognitive and behavioral therapies, it is possible to reprogram your reflexes and thought patterns. These therapies can also allow you to get to know yourself better in order to achieve what you really want to do. It is then possible to take actions in order to accomplish a project that is close to your heart