"Conflict Management and Resolution" - Collège des Frères Maristes Champville

22 Mars 2022

“The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them” [Thomas Crum]

As part of its schools’ activities, and in the application to the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the College des Frères Maristes Champville, the Faculty of Business and Management (FGM) at Saint Joseph University, had the great pleasure to offer a conference entitled "Conflict Management and Resolution" to the college students presented by Mr. Elie Ghanem, lecturer at FGM and Programs Director at Snowball sarl.

For more than two hours, students from Grade 11 and 12 were exposed to a challenging topic, going from an introduction of what is Conflict management to a wider picture of its practices in the business environment, being able to identify and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently.

We thank the College Mariste Champville for planning this event, especially the Principle, Mr. Edouard Jabre, and the responsible of the high school department. Many thanks to our colleagues Mr. Elie Ghanem for his great presentation and also to Mrs. Joséphine Kass-Hanna for coordinating the conference.