Introducing the pharmaceutical industry in Lebanon

7 avril 2022

“In times of crisis, the wise build bridges....” [Nigerian Proverb]

As part of its new bachelor's course entitled “Business Conferences”, the Faculty of Business and Management had the pleasure and honor to host Mrs. Nada Ziadeh - Human Resources Director, and Mr. Elie Bacha - Director of operations at Benta Group.

Throughout a one-hour conference, Mrs. Ziadeh and Mr. Bacha introduced, to our 2nd and 3rd year Bachelor's students, the pharmaceutical industry in Lebanon, its challenges, and opportunities, and the impact of laws and regulations in this sector.

We deeply thank Mrs. Ziadeh and Mr. Bacha for their time and contribution. Many thanks also to our colleague, Pr. May Merhej Sayegh, for coordinating this conference.

We will keep persevering against all odds offering professional seminars to our students aiming to enlarge their scope of knowledge while building bridges between the academic environment and the corporate world.