The "Resource Group Innovation Award" Competition

03 juin 2022

The Competencies and Entrepreneurship Center EC² of Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth - USJ organized the "Resource Group Innovation Award". This new initiative at USJ encourages students to build their own business ideas and compete for funding, based on technology ideas to better the lives of Lebanese citizens.

A total of 9 teams of interdisciplinary students pitched their ideas to a panel of judges, competing to be selected for mentorship opportunities and a $10,000 Resource Group Innovation Award.

3 winning teams were selected to benefit from coaching sessions and the $10,000 award:

- First place winner: Edubolt

- Second place winner: CHNO Industries

- Third place winner: Light Chain Network

3 additional teams were selected to benefit from coaching and mentoring sessions to further develop their innovative projects, with the support of Resource Group.

Congratulations to all the participating teams!