Dr. Wael Bakhit

01 septembre 2022

The Faculty of Business and Management has the great pleasure and honor to welcome Dr. Wael Bakhit into its large family.

Dr. Wael Bakhit holds a PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Perpignan Via Domitia
(France) and benefited from the postdoctoral fellowship at the LabEX Entreprendre in the University of
Montpellier (France). He is a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA)
and has an international teaching experience in several institutions where he teaches in both corporate
finance and financial markets areas. Wael is member of LabEX Entreprendre and his recent research
topics published in international journals deal with human capital, corporate social responsibility,
sustainable finance and behavioural finance. He has a professional expertise in treasury management,
financing and capital investments.