Participation active du Doyen, Pr. Fouad Zmokhol au Beirut Life Insurance Seminars - BLIS

05 octobre 2022

The Faculty of Business and Management represented by its Dean, Pr. Fouad Zmokhol, had the pleasure and honor to actively participate as a keynote speaker in the Beirut Life Insurance Seminars – BLIS. The aim of this event was to raise awareness of the life insurance profession and its benefits for societies. It also focused on empowering women and opening recruitment opportunities in the insurance sector. This year, the event welcomed a record-breaking number of 700 attendances from over 40 countries, hosted over 10 break-out and parallel sessions with industry experts and raised funds to charity – specifically related to retirement houses.

The FGM is continuously and actively taking part of the Lebanese economic and social events as part of its societal engagement that goes in line with its academic mission and vision.