ETIB, the only non-European faculty to be part of EMT

Octobre 2022

The Institute of Translation Studies of Charles University in Prague hosted the hybrid EMT network meeting on 20 – 21 October 2022. Mary Yazbeck, Head of the Translation Department at the School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut of Saint Joseph University of Beirut (ETIB-USJ) attended this meeting since ETIB is the only non-European faculty to be part of this prestigious network for MA university programs in translation.

 The two-day meeting was organized under the theme “Translation in A Changing Europe” and was dedicated to discussing key topics such as exploring emerging language industry jobs, editing in the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission, translating science, dealing with directionality in translation, and evaluating eTranslation output on multilingual platforms.

The EMT meeting organized a language and translation related event back-to-back with the EMT network meeting: the members of the network highlighted the synergies between the academia and local market/network as well as the need to explore further cooperation possibilities and tackled the impact of the war in Ukraine on the translation industry.