Intervention de Pr. Moez Bennouri de Montpellier Business School dans le cours de Licence « Gestion Financière ».


As part of their course entitled “Corporate Finance”, our students had the privilege of meeting Pr. Moez Bennouri from Montpellier Business School (MBS) to discuss the topic of corporate governance in a turbulent environment . Pr Bennouri is a Professor of Finance and Head of the MSc Program at MBS. Expert with years of experience in the Finance field, he provided valuable insights into the challenges that companies face in managing corporate governance in a rapidly changing business landscape. The students were very engaged and had the opportunity to participate in an interactive discussion.

Many thanks to Pr. Bennouri for sharing his expertise with our students as well as to our colleague Dr. Wael Bakhit for organizing this valuable session and for the enthusiasm in providing the best learning experience to our students. Stay tuned for more exciting events and opportunities to learn about the latest trends and issues in the world of corporate finance.