Participation du doyen, le Pr Fouad Zmokhol, au 28e forum annuel de l'Association Internationale des Écoles de Commerce Jésuites tenu à Séville - Espagne et sa nomination membre du conseil d'administration

05 juillet 2023

It was a great pleasure and honor to the Dean of our Faculty of Business and Management Pr. Fouad Zmokhol to actively participate to the 28th annual forum of the International Association of the Jesuit Business schools held in Seville - Spain. The Key Question discussed was how Jesuit Business Schools can better prepare their students to lead in the creation of a more sustainable, inclusive, just, and reconciled world. Our main joint objective was to prepare together the ground for the new work paradigm in a global world where disruptive forces like artificial Intelligence, outsourcing, automation, and multinational/global companies continue to develop. Don’t hesitate to join our faculty to share those values, and to be part of this wonderful adventure and of this exceptional network around the world.