The Transformative Journey of Volunteering through the Day 7 Operation

Mai 2023

As university students, we often find ourselves engrossed in the demands of academic life, striving to excel in our studies and shape our future. However, there are moments that remind us of the significance of stepping beyond our textbooks and experiencing the real world.

Recently, a group of 25 enthusiastic students, driven by the desire to make a difference, embarked on a memorable volunteering experience at Dar Al Rahma Hospice. Little did we know that this visit would leave an indelible mark on our lives, teaching us invaluable lessons about compassion, empathy, and the transformative power of giving.

For those who don’t know, Dar Al Rahma Hospice serves as a beacon of hope for individuals facing challenging circumstances. It was established to provide care and support to patients with life-limiting illnesses, old people, and orphans, in which it offers solace and comfort during their final journey. However, the hospice not only focuses on medical care but also emphasizes emotional well-being through various activities and programs.

As we eagerly dedicated about seven hours of our time to Dar Al Rahma Hospice, we quickly realized that our own satisfaction grew exponentially with each moment spent bringing happiness to those in need. The hospice became a sanctuary where shared emotions, laughter, and love transcended boundaries, reminding us of the immense power of human connection.

Equipped with our passion for language and communication as aspiring translators, we embarked on our visit with a specific purpose: to engage the residents in activities cantered around language. Our preparation went beyond mere words; we gathered 165 books from different languages and added them to the hospice library, enriching the residents' access to diverse literary works. Additionally, we endeavoured to provide much-needed resources by collecting donations from ETIB fellow students, faculty and staff. The funds collected enabled us to purchase extra food supplies for the hospice, ensuring they were well-stocked for the long term.

Arriving at the hospice, our excitement was met with warm embraces and grateful smiles. Divided into two groups, we first spent time with a group of inspiring women, engaging in heartfelt conversations, and participating in various activities. Laughter echoed through the halls as we shared riddles, reminisced about old Lebanese proverbs, and collectively unravelled the challenges presented by our brain-teasing games.

After a satisfying lunch, we joined the men's group, extending our warmth and compassion. We indulged in a lively game of "Human/Animal/Thing/Country," where memories were revisited, connections formed, and the bond of camaraderie grew stronger. We concluded the day by engaging in a musical journey of guessing songs, lifting spirits through the universal language of melody.

As we reflect upon our time at the hospice, we are left with thought-provoking questions. Did our efforts truly make a significant difference in the lives of those we served? Were we able to provide them with the warmth, companionship, and moments of respite they deserved? Or did the profound impact they had on us overshadow any contribution we made?

The answer lies in the intertwined nature of giving and receiving. While our aim was to bring happiness to the residents, their own joy and gratitude touched us in ways we could never have anticipated. The smiles on their faces, the laughter that echoed through the halls, and the genuine connections we formed became the fuel that ignited our passion for volunteerism. Their happiness became our happiness.

In conclusion, our visit to the Hospice was a transformative experience that reminded us of the significance of volunteering. It showed us that giving our time and energy to others can be a catalyst for personal growth, empathy, and understanding. The impact we had on the residents and the happiness we witnessed in their eyes will forever remain etched in our memories.

As university students, we have been privileged with the opportunity to learn and grow. Volunteering at Dar Al Rahma Hospice reminded us of the responsibility we bear to utilize our knowledge and skills for the betterment of society. It instilled in us a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings in our own lives and a commitment to continue giving back whenever possible.

Let us carry the spirit of volunteering with us beyond this experience, incorporating it into our daily lives. Whether it is through small acts of kindness or larger commitments to community service, we have the power to make a difference. In the end, the happiness we bring to others ultimately brings us fulfilment, purpose and happiness too.

Vera Mansour
