UPDATE: summer programs 2020 postponed to July 2021 due to the global outbreak and all the uncertainties for the months to come.
We are pleased to announce that the eleventh year of IÉSEG Summer programs will be held from July 6th to July 31st 2020. An updated website of the program has just been launched as well as new topics: Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Digital Marketing.
You will find the new summer programs brochure online as well as pictures and videos from last year summer programs, but also testimonials from students in videos and comments.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summerprogramsIESEG/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/summerprogramsieseg/
10% Tuition fee (Topic-based courses) reduction for Partner universities students.
Program Fee includes:
Please be advised that the program fee total does not include:
Application procedure :
Should you be interested or have any further inquiries, please contact Farah Hefied (Head of Development of Summer and Customized Programs) f.hefied@ieseg.fr or sri.mobilite@usj.edu.lb (USJ)