Patent nº12050 Granted For the “MEATER” Instrument

Effect of the Freezing of Fresh Poultry Meat On the Activity Level of Β- Hydroxyacyl CoA Dehydrogenase and On Bacterial Enumeration.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Food adulteration is potentially harmful to health, food safety and quality, and is therefore a major public health problem. Certification of food authenticity is thus essential. Labelling thawed frozen meat as fresh meat is a common form of adulteration of this product. Therefore, and within the framework of the thesis project prepared by Désirée el Hajj and entitled “Effect of the freezing of fresh poultry meat on the activity level of β- Hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase and on bacterial enumeration”, a patent no. 12050 has been granted for the “MEATER” instrument built at the Pathogen Laboratory (LAP) of the Faculty of Pharmacy (FP) in partnership with the Industrial Research Institute (IRI), the LIRA and the IVP programs. This instrument is capable of distinguishing fresh meat from thawed meat allowing a better control on the meat and an increased consumer protection.