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Institut supérieur d'orthophonie (ISO)
Centre de diagnostics, de soins et de recherche en orthophonie (CDRO)

chargé de formation pratique - M2R, Doctorat en cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 6741 salma.saad@usj.edu.lb

Selma Saad Merouwe a obtenu son diplôme en orthophonie en 2006 de l'université Saint-Joseph et son master de recherche en orthophonie en 2012. Elle a obtenu son diplôme de spécialisation dans le domaine des troubles de la fluence en 2018 (European Clinical Specialization Fluency disorders). Actuellement, elle est doctorante à l’Université de Turku et à l’Université Saint-Joseph (USJ). Elle est coordinatrice de cours et de stages, chargée de cours et de formation pratique à l’Institut Supérieur d’Orthophonie de l’USJ, et directrice de mémoires. Sa pratique clinique et ses recherches portent sur les troubles de la fluence et du langage oral dans des contextes de plurilinguisme.   

Domaine d’expertise

• Médecine et Santé

Thématiques de recherche

Troubles de la fluence et bilinguisme
Troubles du langage et bilinguisme

Mots clés

Bégaiement/stuttering, bilinguisme/bilingualism, troubles du langage/language disorders, évaluation/assessment, diagnostic différentiel/differential diagnosis

  • Webinar "Speech disfluencies in bilingual speakers", European Fluency Specialists, 29 June 2021
  • Online conference Fluency disorders, theory and practice (Katowine, Poland): Panel discussion "Intercultural collaboration to improve the quality of life of people who stutter", (Francesca Del Gado-Italy, Sertan Ozdemir-Turkey, Selma Saad Merouwe-Lebanon & Katarzyna Wesierska-Poland), 26 June 2021
  • Book chapter: Multicultural commonalities and differences in stuttering intervention, authors (Francesca Del Gado, Sertan Ozdemir, Selma Saad Merouwe & Katarzyna Wesierska), editors (Kurt Eggers & Margaret Laheay), in review
  • Article: Bilinguisme et bégaiement: Revue de la littérature et discussion des implications cliniques (in review)

  • Book chapter: Stuttering and bilingualism in children and adults: Current research and future developments, in Dialogue without barriers: Stuttering management for children and adults, editors Hilda Sønsterud & Katarzyna Węsierska, in press.

  • Oral presentation “Les dysfluences verbales des personnes bilingues”, séminaire Octogone-Lordat, Université de Toulouse, March 2021

  • Webinar “Speech disfluencies in bilingual speakers”, International days conference, Thomas More, Belgium, March 2021

  • Poster presentation “Perceptions and attitudes of Lebanese preschool who do and do not stutter: pilot study within the framework of the Kiddy-CAT adaptation on the Lebanese population, Oxford Dysfluency Conference, January 2021

  • Oral online presentation “Speech disfluencies in bilingual speakers” at Oxford Dysfluency Conference, January 2021

  • Book chapter: Epreuve de Répétiton de phrases: Litmus-SR-Liban, in Plurilinguisme et Troubles spécifiques du langage au Liban, October 2020

  • Proceedings chapter: Tailoring the treatment to the needs of the person who stutters – based on a clinical case study, in Zaburzenia plynnosci mowy 2, September 2020

  • Doctoral students online panel discussion “New frontiers – Doctoral Student panel”, Stuttering foundation of America, July 2020

  • Keynote speaker “How should we interact with adults who stutter? Cross cultural findings on stuttering adults preferences for support and assistance”, ECSF symposium, Belgium, February 2020

  • Poster presentation “Speech disfluencies in bilingual Lebanese speakers, preliminary findings”, ASHA, Orlando, November 2019

  • Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Stuttering-Rome: How should we interact with adults who stutter? Let’s hear from them, 2019

  • Round-table “Avoidance behaviors in people who stutter”, ALO, Lebanon, September 2018

  • Seminar “Tailoring the therapy to the needs of the person who stutters” & poster presentation,

    Fluency disorders, Theory and practice, Katowice, Poland, September 2018

  • Oral presentation: Personal Appraisals of Support from Stuttering Adults in Lebanon, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic (in collaboration with Kenneth O. St. Louis, Katarzyna Węsierska,

    Jan Dezort, Hana Lacikova and Nouhad Abou Melhem), Hiroshima-Japan, July 2018

  • Poster Presentation: The use of avoidance behaviors by Lebanese bilingual adults who stutter,

    Hiroshima-Japan, July 2018

  • Proceedings chapter: State of stuttering intervention practices in Lebanon, in Zaburzenia plynnosci

    mowy, Poland, Januwary 2018

  • Participation in a questionnaire conception: “Enhancing children's oral language skills across

    Europe and beyond - a collaboration focusing on interventions for children with difficulties learning

    their first language”, COST Action IS1406, Utrecht-the Netherlands, November 2017

  • Participation in a questionnaire conception: “Enhancing children's oral language skills across Europe and beyond - a collaboration focusing on interventions for children with difficulties learning

    their first language”, COST Action IS1406, Limassol-Cyprus, October 2016

  • Poster presentation: State of stuttering intervention practices in Lebanon, Katowice-Poland, August


  • Poster presentations: Using sentence repetition in both L1 and L2 to distinguish Bi-TD from Bi-SLI

    Children: the case of French-Lebanese Bilingual Children and Using sentence repetition in L2 Lebanese to identify SLI in L1 French and L1 Armenian Children in Lebanon, Krakow-Poland, May 2013

  • Oral presentation: Typical versus atypical development of Lebanese Arabic in bilingual children: a pilot study of a sentence repetition task, Lisbon-Portugal, February 2013

  • Validation of a sentence repetition task in collaboration with INSERM 930 and Université François Rabelais, Tours-France, July 2012

  • Oral presentation: L’importance de l’intervention précoce dans le cadre du bégaiement in collaboration with Karine Abi Aad and Christel Attallah, USJ, May 2010

Approche clinique en orthophonie 5 (S5)

Approche clinique en orthophonie 6 (S6)
Troubles de la fluence S5
Fluency disorders S6
Prises de décisions cliniques dans le cadre des troubles de la fluence (M2)