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Higher Institute of Speech and Language Therapy

Practical trainer

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 6741

Slovak-Lebanese speech and language pathologist.Fluent in French, English, Lebanese Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic and Slovak.Specialized in stuttering and cluttering (certified European stuttering specialist).Lecturer, researcher, graduate program coordinator and clinical supervisor.Active member of the World Stuttering & Cluttering Organization (WSCO), serves as the Lebanese representative at the International Cluttering Association (ICA), and serves as the president of the Stuttering Committee at the Association Libanaise des Orthophonistes (ALO).

European Stuttering SpecializationThomas More university CollegeBelgique2018
Master of research in speech and language therapySaint Joseph University of BeirutLebanon2015
Diploma in speech and language therapySaint Joseph University of BeirutLebanon2006

Troubles de la fluence (S5)

Fluency Disorders (S6)
Clinical decision-making in fluency disorders/Prises de décision clinique dans le cadre des troubles de la fluence M2
Clinical approach to SLT S7-S8
Research methods 1: Introduction to research in speech and language pathology
Research methods 2: Scientific reading and critical appraisal

Experience in University Teaching Outside USJCountryInstitutionStart DateEnd Date
Teaching within the Master degree programFinlandUniversity of Turku01/01/202101/01/2022

Professional ExperienceOrganizationStart dateEnd date
Specialized schoolClasses Orange03/09/200731/07/2013
Private clinicTERAP01/05/200701/11/2023
geriatric hospitalMainson Notre-Dame01/08/200631/10/2007
Multidisciplinary clinicCEMEDIPP03/07/200602/08/2010

Medecine and Health

Stuttering and bilingualism

Adaptation of stuttering assessment tools to the Lebanese context

Assessment and Intervention Practices for Stuttering: A State of the Art Review

Saad Merouwe, S., Bertram, R., & Eggers, K. (in press). Speech disfluencies in bilingual Lebanese children who do and do not stutter. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

Krawczyk, A., & Saad Merouwe, S. (2023). Stuttering and bilingualism in children and adults: Current research and future developments. In H. Sønsterud & K. Węsierska, Dialogue without barriers: A comprehensive approach to dealing with stuttering, 359-388, Agere Aude. 

Saad Merouwe, S., Bertram, R., Richa, S., & Eggers, K. (2023b). Identification of Stuttering in Bilingual Lebanese Children Across Two Presentation Modes. Journal of Fluency Disorders. 76. Doi:

Saad Merouwe, S., Bertram, R., Richa, S., & Eggers, K. (2023a). Stuttering Severity Judgments by Speech-Language Pathologists of Bilingual Children Who Do and Do Not Stutter. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. Doi:

Saad Merouwe, S., Bertram, R., Richa, S., & Eggers, K. (2022). Bilinguisme et bégaiement : Revue de la littérature et implications sur le diagnostic clinique. Glossa132, 67-91.

Del Gado, F., Özdemir, S., Saad Merouwe, S., & Węsierska, K. (2022). Multicultural Commonalities in Stuttering and intervention. In K. Eggers & M. M. Leahy (Eds.), Clinical Cases in Dysfluency. 104-113. Routledge.

Saad, S., & Henry, G. (2020). Epreuve de Répétiton de phrases: Litmus-SR-Liban. In R. Zebib, P. Prévost, L. Tuller & G. Henry (Eds.), Plurilinguisme et Troubles spécifiques du langage au Liban, Presses universitaires de l’Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth

Saad Merouwe, S. (2020). Tailoring the treatment to the needs of the person who stutters – based on a clinical case study, in Zaburzenia plynnosci mowy 2, Katowice.

Saad Merouwe, S. & Abou Melhem, M. (2018). State of stuttering intervention practices in Lebanon, in Zaburzenia plynnosci mowy, Katowice

Oral presentation: "Speech disfluencies in bilingual speakers: Diagnostical entanglements", WSCO conference, Texas, 2024

Oral presentation: “Identification of Stuttering in bilingual Lebanese children across two presentation modes”, JWCSC, Canada, 2022

Keynote speech on “Stuttering and bilingualism”, Symposium on stuttering, Ghent university, Belgium, 2022

Webinar "Speech disfluencies in bilingual speakers", European Fluency Specialists, 29 June 2021

Présentation orale “Les dysfluences verbales des personnes bilingues”, séminaire Octogone-Lordat, Université de Toulouse, Mars 2021

Webinar “Speech disfluencies in bilingual speakers”, International days conference, Thomas More, Belgium, March 2021

Keynote speaker “How should we interact with adults who stutter? Cross cultural findings on stuttering adults preferences for support and assistance”, ECSF symposium, Belgium, February 2020

Seminar “Tailoring the therapy to the needs of the person who stutters” & poster presentation, Fluency disorders, Theory and practice, Katowice, Poland, September 2018

- World Stuttering and Cluttering organization conference, Texas, 2024 - Webinar “Mitigating Fluency conformity through evidence-based CARE”, Courtney Byrd, 2024 - Webinar “It’s not about me: Developing a counseling mindset for working with persons who stutter”, Anthony DiLollo, 2023 - Webinar “Assessing preschoolers for stuttering”, Ellen Kelly, 2023 - Webinar “Humor and creativity”, Joseph Agius, 2023 - 8th European symposium on Fluency Disorders, Belgium, 2023 - Webinar “Cluttering: Expanding your evaluation and treatment horizons”, K. S. Scott, 2023 - Webinar “Cluttering my story”, Rutger Wilhelm, 2022 - Webinar “Stammering and autism”, Gemma Clarke, 2022 - Webinar “Building confidence and resilience in children who stutter”, Sarah Caughter, 2022 - Webinar “Demands and capacities model-based treatment for preschool stuttering children”, M-C Franken, 2022 - Joint Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering, Canada, 2022 - Webinar “Fluency Plus: Managing fluency disorders in individuals with concomitant diagnoses”, K. S. Scott, 2021 - Webinar “Acceptance and commitment therapy”, Jane Harley, 2021 - Oxford Dysfluency conference (online), 2021 - Webinar “Emotional regulation in children who stutter”, Kurt Eggers, 2020 - Webinar “Stuttering therapy: what needs to change and who decides”, Patricia Zebrowski, 2020 - Webinar “Neurogenic stuttering”, Catherine Theys, 2020 - Webinar “Evaluating a young child who stutters chances of persisting: what do we know and what can we do?” Cara Singer, 2020 - Webinar “Working with school-aged children who stammer”, Kevin Fower, 2020 - Webinar “Stuttering therapy: Working above and beyond the surface”, Michael Blomgren, 2020 - 7th European Symposium on Fluency Disorders, Belgium, 2020 - Workshop “Résolution des conflits et médiation”, USJ, 2020 - Conference “4ème université d’automne”, USJ, 2019 - Workshop on statistics with Raymond Bou Nader, USJ, 2019 - Staff exchange ERASMUS at Thomas More university, Belgium, 2019 - Workshop “Individualizing therapy with fluency disorders: Stuttering and cluttering, K. O. St. Louis, Lebanon, 2019 - Conference “Stuttering adults: what we think, feel, or do and what they want”, K. O. St. Louis, Lebanon, 2019 - Workshop “Pragmatique et discours”, Didier Roch, USJ, 2018 - Conference “Executive functioning in children who stutter, Kurt Eggers, USJ, 2018 - International Conference on Logopedics – “Fluency Disorders: Theory and Practice”, Poland, 2018 - International Fluency Association congress, Japan, 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Stuttering, Italy, 2018 - Two-week internship at the Michael Palin Center, the United Kingdom, 2018 - 6th European Symposium on Fluency Disorders, Belgium, 2018 - Workshop “A constructivist Framework for Counseling with Persons Who Stutter” with Anthony DiLollo, Belgium, 2018 - Workshop “Childes” with Eleonore Morin, USJ, 2018 - International Conference on Logopedics "Fluency Disorders: Theory and Practice", Poland, 2016 - Workshop “Working with school aged children who stutter” with Jane Harley, Poland, 2016 - Workshop “Cluttering” with Florence Myers, Poland, 2016 - Visuo-conference with David Shapiro, Lebanon, 2015 - Two-day workshop on cluttering with Yvonne Van Zaalen, Lebanon, 2015 - International Fluency Association congress, Portugal, 2015 - Workshop “Demands and capacities model” with Elaine Kelman, Portugal, 2015 - Workshop “Working with adults who stutter” with Walt Manning, Portugal, 2015 - Intensive week training on stuttering (level 2) – Villers/mer-France, 2014 - Internship with children with autism in a psychiatric hospital, Tours-France, 2012 - One-week internship at Anne-Marie Simon’s private clinic, France, 2011 - Workshop “Solution focused brief therapy” with Willie Botteril, Lebanon, 2011 - Workshop “Self-esteem techniques” with Mireille Gayraud-Andell, Lebanon, 2011 - Seminar about autism with Pascale Dansart and Catherine Barthelemy, Lebanon, 2010 - Intensive week training about stuttering (level 1), Villers/mer-France, 2009 - Two-week internship in a geriatric hospital, France, 2009 - One-week workshop on stuttering with Anne-Marie Simon, Lebanon, 2009 - Two-day workshop on aphasia with Philippe Van Eeckhout, Lebanon, 2008