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Georges JAMAL (EL)

Vacataire - PhD in Electrical eng, and Energy

School of Engineering of Beirut (ESIB)
Research and PhD Unit (URD)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext

  1. Lecturer and researcher with 5 years of experience teaching courses at the undergraduate level. 
  2.   Supervised BA, and MA theses. Published 9 articles in peer- reviewed journals. 
  3. Skilled MEP project manager with 20 years of experience in the construction sector from conception to completion
  1. 2020-Present FreeLancer, energy efficiency, renewable energy, value engineering, MEP design and consultancy.
  2. 2018-Present Lecturer at Saint Joseph University ESIB
  3. 1992-2020 Ministry of National Defense (Army) – Lebanon (Officer Engineer)
  4. 2019-2020 Manager of the Fuels Directorate
  5. 1999-2018 Engineering Directorate
  6. 2011-2018 Head of Engineering Studies Department
  7. 2005-2010 Head of Mechanical Section
  8. 1999-2004 Member of Mechanical Section
  9. 1992-1998 Technical Directorate, Logistic Brigade
  1. Saint Joseph University (ESIB) and Lebanese University- Lebanon
2018 Ph.D. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
2014 Master degree M2 research Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency & Green Building
  1. University of Sciences and University of sciences and Technology of Oran – Algeria 
1988 BS in Mechanical engineering. Major “Thermal and Energy

• Electrical Engineering and Energy

Engineering and Technology, Sciences

Energy efficiency in the industry sector 

Elaboration of energy consumption rating for a product in aproduction Process

  1. Development of an energy consumption rating of a product based on the application of energy efficiency in the industrial sector and renewable energies. Lebanese case study in dairy production”
  2. Regulations of Applications of Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes
  3. Contributing Algorithms of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the Residential, Commercial and Industrial Sectors.
  4. Energy efficiency in dairy production, Elaboration of energy consumption rating Lebanese case study
  5. Application of multi-criteria decision-Methods for the selection of renewable energy sources, Lebanese case study